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Kenya and Tanzania

Kenya and Tanzania

Situated on the equator on Africa’s east coast, Kenya has often been described as ‘the cradle of humanity’. Kenya has a culture born of countless sources and this region has been crossed by the paths of a long and complex history. In the Great Rift Valley, a continuous geographic trench stretching for approximately 6,000km from Syria in Southwest Asia to Mozambique in East Africa, anthropologists have discovered some of the earliest evident of man’s ancestors and made staggering discoveries in human evolution.

 Modern Kenya offers its visitors much to see and do. Within the border of a single country you will discover a vast array of landscapes, opportunities and cultural treasure troves waiting to be unlocked.  Home to savannahs rich with big games, timeless cultures unchanged by the modern world, pristine beaches and thriving, ancient corals reefs. This is a land of equatorial forests and mighty snow-capped mountains, searing deserts and cool highland retreats. Kenya offers you endless opportunities for adventure, discovery and relaxation.

 The Maasai Mara Game Reserve is widely considered to be Africa’s greatest wildlife reserve and comprises 200sq miles of open plains, woodlands and riverine forests. The game reserve is Kenya’s crown jewel and a stunning achievement of conservation and education. The vast grassland plains are abounding with herds of zebra, giraffe, gazelle and topi while the Acacia forests are rich in birdlife and monkeys. Crocodiles stalk the Mara and Talek Rivers whilst hippopotamus keep cool by wallowing in the water or mud. Each year, from July to October, the Mara also plays host to one of the world’s greatest natural spectacles, the great wildebeest migration from the Serengeti. Over one million wildebeest come together to form a single massive herd which surges forwards in a columnar fashion across the border into the Mara. The migrating wildebeest bring new life to the Mara and are a symbol of regeneration.

 Cross the border into Tanzania where one can find Mt. Kilimanjaro, Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika, Africa’s deepest lake and known for its unique species of fish. Tanzania also contains many large and ecologically significant wildlife parks including the Serengeti National Park, home to what is believed to be the largest population of lions in Africa, the rare and critically endangered Black Rhinoceros and a recovering population of African elephant. Here you can enjoy more game drives to view the parks natural wonders and visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area where fossil evidence shows occupation by hominid species for over 3 million years! A journey to Kenya and Tanzania will astound you with their natural beauty, rich and diverse cultures and challenge you with more opportunities than you could have possibly imagined.